Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Making a Living - Corporate / Stock

Careers in the photographic Industry 

Corporate &  Design 
My views on this genre of photography is quite good, the fact that you can meet directly with your clients as a way of doing business.  Once hired, its for the personal services and means you can discuss matters without having to go to a third party.  This way you are being hired directly for the photographic skills that you have as a photographer.  You can also set up ways of trying to get more money in with this genre of careers in photography as you can set up a 1 year or 2 year contract for certain design companies and set on an agreement but then also charge additional payments for any brochures created, internet and trade press, etc.

Working with design companies has a considerably lower pay rate than with corporate companies almost 50% lowers, which doesn't sound too great in my eyes.  I would not really be too interested in this genre of photographic careers - purely because I do not see the point in trying to get into to something that seems like it would be so hard to get noticed or get any well paid jobs for your own work.  This is just my response to what I think about this genre - it is not something I am too fussed about or interested in.

Picture libraries are in two basic forms:
news (including sport and celebrities) and
creative (people, travel, concepts etc).
A lot of photographers try to get into Stock photography as there can be a good way to spread your own images really far - whether they actually still get traced back to you is a different section altogether though.  Stock photography can be aimed at Newspapers and magazines.  I would love to work for a magazine in my future and would be something I would consider chasing up, but I probably wouldn't go straight into stock photography, because again the money just gets taken away, most big libraries of images with take them and give only 50% of what they could potentially be worth.

I just don't really think that either Corporate Design or Stock photography is worth trying if you really have a passion for photography, the reason being is because there is a big chance that the images will not get what they are worth at all.

I wanted to include a small section about each side of careers in the Photographic work place just so I could wrap my head around and understand why I am not going to pursue a career with any of these types of photography straight away.  I would like to start my own business first whilst working on portfolio to maybe one day search jobs in editorial or advertising but only once I am ready for it.

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