Part of this module is to enter one Competition or more, or to produce a Live Brief, I needed to start looking at some possible Photography Competitions to enter. I was looking for competitions that would suit my work and for competitions that have a category that would be relevant to my work. I also wanted the competitions to be well known and preferably free entry.
The first competition I have found an would like to enter is 'The Sony World Photography Awards'. This competition is free to enter and has three award options, I would choose the open competition option which has a number of different categories in it. This is good because I can enter a few images into different groups. The deadline for entries is 4th January 2013. I have looked at previous winners and seen how varied it can be. This is a great first choice for competitions and I have a few ideas on which Images I would submit.
The second competition I have found is called 'The Elements 2013 Photography Contest'. I actually found this competition after I had come up with the idea of 'Elements' for my live brief, the idea was to produce the images for the brief and enter them into this competition. This competition stood out to me when I was researching, because 'Elements' as a theme has always interested me and it is something I have thought about doing so many times. My idea's are still open as I might not be able to do the element idea for my brief. the deadline is 16th January 2013.
The third competition I have considered is the 'Prix de la Photographie Paris' competition. This competition I have researched about and looked at the previous winners. I think it is a competition that I will enter in my own time, as it is a Self Portrait contest, so I would need the time to produce one, ontop of all my other work. But it is still one that I would like to consider. The deadline is 31st January 2013. I was recommended this competition by my Tutor's so I will remember this one for the future.
The fourth competition, I have seen many times before, but not really ever considered it. It's called the 'Nikon Photo Contest' and is a huge competition. One good reason for entering this competition is because the call for entries is further back than any other I have found recently. The deadline date is the 28th February 2013, this will give me more time to get prepared and enter it. There is no set theme therefore any image can be submitted. I personally think that categories can be better purely because then the category is fitted to my particular interest or style.
And the last competition I have found that has interested me so far is 'the print space competition'. I found this competition on facebook because I like theprintspace's page and follow their updates. I saw this photo posted and it interested me. It is a self portrait competition and I have some that I could possibly enter. The deadline for this is the 22nd January 2013.
These are jus a few of the competitions that I have found so far in my research. I will look at alot more photography competitions and maybe some online magazine competitions. It is always good to submit images to contests every month, as a chance of being seen by more possible clients or employers. I think that I need to build up a bigger image base before I enter every month but I definitely have images of mine that I would submit to competitions to date.
I think that this part of Professional Practice is essential to me as a brand 'Suzi-Rae Photography' because competitions are a great way of connecting myself to other photographers in the same place. It is a great way of building up a professional contact list of possible working positions. This is something I am really looking into doing a lot more. I still haven't decided if I will complete a live brief, but I am sure about entering at least one competition too.